Our Methodology

Prima Performance has developed a situation specific methodology that combines the best features from a suite of innovation-based techniques, and applies them to industrial and organizational settings, ranging from computer chips to potato chips. A sample of some of the techniques in our methodology is shown below.(For further information, view articles)

Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is an analytical method based on:

  • Application of the 40 Inventive Principals that underlie millions of the world’s very best patents, and that lead to unlocking fundamental system conflict.
  • The predictive trends in technological evolution.
  • Value engineering that focuses on functional and root cause analysis to determine your systems fundamental constraints.

“Super-Effects“: Special thinking processes that aim to unlock, as a special bonus, unexpected benefits and brand new capabilities.

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) extends our capability to find the fundamental constraint imposed by human and organizational environments.

Six Sigma Quality Improvement Techniques that use the KISS approach (Keep It Statistically Simple) to isolate the root cause.

Patent Analysis to determine:

  • Patent quality
  • Improvement options
  • State of development: lab, feasibility production....
  • 'Busting' and 'Fencing' options
  • Capability to meet future performance demands

Design for Manufacturability, DFM